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Company wording: Filamente e.U.
Business purpose: 3D printing
UID number: ATU78527523
Company register number FN: 589169a
Company Register Court: Steyr
Registered office: 4400, Steyr
Full geographical address: Wolfern Straße 46; 4400 Steyr; Austria
Memberships with the organisation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber: WKO OÖ
Applicable legislation and access to it Professional law: Trade regulations:

Banking details

  • Bank Account Holder: Jonathan Amon, MSc.
  • Raiffeisenbank Sierning-Enns
  • IBAN: AT40 3456 0000 0221 9988


The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. Despite careful control of the content, the data may have changed in the meantime. No guarantee is given that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. Filamente e.U. reserves the right to change, supplement or delete information or parts thereof or products or services described therein without prior notice.


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Source: © Filamente e.U.